Title 26 (Domestic Relations)
Guardians ad Litem
RCW 26.12.175 is the Washington law that governs appointment of guardians ad litem in domestic relations proceedings. RCW 26.12.175(1)(a) provides that, "The court may appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the interests of a minor or dependent child when the court believes the appointment of a guardian ad litem is necessary to protect the best interests of the child in any proceedings under this chapter." The role of the guardian ad litem is to investigate and report factual information to the court concerning parenting arrangements of the child and to represent the child's best interests.
All guardians ad litem appointed under this title must comply with training requirements set out by Washington law. Kitsap County Superior Court complies with applicable laws for maintaining a registry of qualified guardians ad litem including annual review of qualifications. A notebook of all approved guardians ad litem, their qualifications and background information is maintained in the Kitsap County Superior Court Office located in Room 210 of the Kitsap County Courthouse.
If a guardian ad litem is needed in domestic relations proceedings, a "strike-list" of three names from the rotation of guardians ad litem is provided. It is the responsibility of the parties seeking appointment of the guardian ad litem to review the qualifications and background of each of the three proposed guardians ad litem. Each party may, within 3 judicial days, strike one name from the list. If more than one name remains on the list, the court shall make the appointment from the names on the list. In the event all three names are stricken the person whose name appears next on the registry shall be appointed. All orders
must be initialed by an appropriate Superior Court staff member prior to presentation to a judge.
To comply with HIPPA requirements, all requests for GAL fees paid under KCLGALR 5 must include an Order re Guardian ad Litem Fees that may be downloaded in
Word or
Adobe PDF format.
Current Registry Guardians ad Litem. To view profiles, click on the name
Adobe Reader).