
Adjudicate all cases, both criminal and civil, in a just and timely manner.  Assure due process and equal protection under the law.  Promote access to justice to all persons, and instill public confidence and trust in the judiciary. 

Tina Robinson
Department ​1​January 2021-December 2024
Michelle Adams​Department 2​January 2021-December 2024
Melissa Hemstreet​Department 3​​January 2021-December 2024
William C. Houser​Department 4​​January 2021-December 2024
Jeffrey P. Bassett​Department 5​​January 2021-December 2024
​Kevin D. Hull​Department 6​January 2021-December 2024
Jennifer A. Forbes​Department 7​January 2021-December 2024
Cadine Ferguson-Brown
​Department 8Appointed January 2024
​​Court Commissioner ​Matthew L. Clucas
Court Commissioner Lynn K. Fleischbein



The Superior Court is a general jurisdiction court.  It has the responsibility of adjudicating matters coming before it over which it has original or appellate jurisdiction, pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Washington.  This includes felony criminal, civil, juvenile, domestic relations, adoption, guardianship, paternity, probate, domestic violence, and mental illness cases.  The court is charged with resolving cases in an accessible, efficient, expeditious fashion to comply with the Trial Court Performance Standards.


  • Justly and fairly, adjudicate all criminal cases within the constitutional, statutory and judicial mandated time-lines.

  • Justly and fairly, adjudicate all civil cases within the applicable ABA standard time-lines for each type of civil case.

  • Provide, with limited resources, for anticipated increases in court filings.

  • Anticipate judicial response to significant changes in legislation, particularly in the juvenile justice system, criminal and domestic relations arenas.

  • Provide an open and accessible forum for court business.


2024 Judicial Assignments

Judge Jennifer A. Forbes, Presiding Judge
Judge William C. Houser, Assistant Presiding Judge 
​Criminal Calendar and
Juvenile Calendar
​Judge Robinson/Judge Ferguson-Brown 
(Jan - Jun)
Judge Bassett/Judge Houser (Jul - Dec)
​Adult Treatment Courts
Assistant Treatment Court
​Judge Hemstreet
Judge Adams
​Domestic Presiding
​Judge Robinson
​Guardianship Presiding
​Judge Hull
​Family Treatment Court​Judge Adams
​Safe Babies Court
​Judge Adams
​Juvenile Treatment Courts
​Judge Bassett
​Unified Family Court​Judge Bassett
​Girls' Court
​Judge Hemstreet
​Kitsap Pre Adjudication Court
​Judge Houser