Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) and Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)
Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) program is funded through the portion of document recording fees that are not retained locally and transmitted to the Washington State Dept of Commerce. Commerce distributes these funds back to counties through contracts for specific homeless housing and services.
The Emergency Housing Fund (EHF) is a program funded through the WA State Dept Commerce. Guidance and allowable uses follow the Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG)/System Demonstration Grant (SDG) guidelines, but are restricted to "emergency housing" activities, to include: street outreach, diversion, emergency shelter including hotel/motel leasing, sanctioned encampments, transitional housing, rapid re-housing, housing search and placement, and housing stability case management. Household eligibility requirements also follow the CHG/SDG guidelines.
Grant Guidelines
2024 Kitsap County Grant Guidelines Handbook for HHGP, AHGP, CHG, and EHF
(updated 3/25/2024)
Access the WA State Department of Commerce Consolidated Homeless Grant webpage for CHG Guidelines, Forms, and Resources
Reimbursement Requests
Show Consolidated Homeless Grant & EHF Reimbursement Request Instructions >>
Reimbursement requests must be submitted using the following electronic process: 1) Submit a reimbursement request, including all required reports and docs (as required).
a. CHG/HEN reimbursement requests must be submitted monthly, no later than the 14th of the month.
b. HHGP/AHGP/ARPA reimbursement requests must be submitted monthly, no later than the 14th of the month.
2) Download the latest KCHHD Expense Report Form and the Diverse Spend Reportable Expense Report (linked below).
3) Open the Expense Report Excel form: If you are prompted, please select Enable Content.
4) Complete both the KCHHD Expense Report and the Diverse Spend Report excel workbooks in their entirety including all applicable tabs. The KCHHD Expense Report contains step-by-step instructions on the right-hand side of the worksheet. The linked below are written instructions on how to complete the Diverse Spend Report.
5) Submit invoice packet* that includes KCHHD Expense Report & Diverse Spend Report excel files and complete the Cognito submission form at the link below labeled "KCHHD Reimbursement Request Form". If the person submitting the reimbursement request is an authorized signer for the contracting organization, they will be able to sign and submit the request for processing. If a different person within the contracting organization is required to sign, the submitter will indicated the Signers Name and Email address, the submitter will then be able to send the request to the signer for review and signature. * EHF (Emergency Housing Fund) contractor will additionally need to attach a copy of their GL (General Ledger) which indicates the claimed expenses related to the grant.
6) Once you have submitted your reimbursement request, your submission will be reviewed. If there are errors or questions you will be notified by email. When your submission is accepted you will receive an email from with the signed and completed form attached. Please make sure to check your junk mail and/or make emails from CognitoForms a “safe sender” so that you do not miss these emails.
7) Approved for Payment: Once the request has been signed by both the recipient and County Division staff, CognitoForms will send an email titled “KCHHD Reimbursement Request Form - APPROVED - {Contract#} {Invoice#} ” and attach the completed document. Download and retain a copy of your reimbursement request for your records.
8) Routing for Payment: Once the approved request is signed by both the Housing and Homelessness Division and Contractor: a. Invoice paperwork will be submitted to the County Accounting Dept for issuing payment. b. Kitsap County will pay the request for reimbursement within 30 days of its receipt of the completed request. c. KCHHD staff will submit the invoiced amount for payment to the Department of Commerce.
9) Payment: Kitsap County will pay the request for reimbursement within 30 days of its receipt of the completed request.
Repeat this process each time you wish to submit a Reimbursement Request.
Assistance with this process is available by contacting Leah Noldan,, or (360) 337-7289.
Download the 2024 KCHHD Expense Report Form
(v1.1.0 3/13/2024)
Download the Diverse Spend Reportable Expenses Report Form (3/6/2024)
- For instructions about completing the Diverse Spend Report and documents to maintain which support your reimbursement request please see the following resource materials:
Submit your Reimbursement Request online using the Cognito KCHHD Reimbursement Request Form (*new* updated 3/6/2024)
Quarterly Progress Reports
Show Program Quarterly Report Instructions >>
Quarterly Progress Reports
All grant recipients must submit a quarterly report for each quarter of their contract, regardless of whether there was any grant activity. Quarterly progress reports are due the last weekday day of the month following the end of the calendar quarter (April 30, July 30, October 29, January 31). All Quarterly Progress Reports are submitted electronically through DocuSign.
Important Note: Before you click the link, you must have all the information you will need to submit the reimbursement request assembled. Unfortunately, you can not save your work once you've started. Every time you click the link a new report is sent whether you finish it or not.
Quarterly Progress Report Form:
You can look at a blank example Quarterly Progress Report Form below so you know what information you will need, but you may only submit this form via the DocuSign process.
Example Quarterly Progress Report Form (10/30/2023)
Download the sample form here
Quarterly progress reports are due the last weekday of the month following the end of the calendar quarter (April 30, July 31, October 31, January 31) * If your grant contract ends June 30th, submit the Final Progress Report at the conclusion of your Consolidated Homeless Grant instead of a 4th quarter report. Before clicking the link below, please be prepared to completely fill out your report and submit it.
Submit your
CHG Electronic Quarterly Progress Report
(updated 10/30/2023)
Submit your
CHG Electronic FINAL REPORT Progress Report (updated 7/5/2024)
Submit your
EHF Electronic Quarterly Progress Report
(updated 10/30/2023)
Submit your
EHF Electronic FINAL REPORT Progress Report (updated 7/5/2024)