2024 Declared Write-in Candidates - General Election
Candidates' names will not appear on the ballot. Write-in votes for candidates who have not filed will not be tallied. Write-in votes will not be tallied for declared write-in candidates unless the total number of write-in votes could affect the outcome of the contest. If a candidate is running in a race with only one other declared candidate, the write-in candidate must receive at least 1 percent of the total vote and be in at least second place to appear on the General Election ballot.
Washington Governor
Ballot Name
| Campaign Address | Phone/Email/Web
Vincent Auger (Prefers Socialist Workers Party)
| 2203 California Ave. SW #208 Seattle, WA 98116
| (206) 323-1755 Swpcampaignwa@gmail.com
Mike Canty (States No Party Preference)
| 11320 8th Ave. Court E, Apt. F6 Tacoma, WA 98445
| mikecantyforwagovernor@gmail.com
Washington Lt. Governor
Ballot Name
| Campaign Address | Phone/Email/Web
EL'ona El' Kearney (Prefers Democrat Party)
| 15250 32nd Ave South #68192 Seatac, WA 98188
| (206) 660-4811 elona@elonakearney.com elonakearney.com
Kitsap County Commissioner District 2
Ballot Name
| Campaign Address | Phone/Email/Web
Darryl Riley (Prefers Democratic Party)
| PO Box 4065 Bremerton, WA 98312
| (360) 559-2822 writeinriley@gmail.com writeinriley.com