Adult Employment and Day Program Services
Employment Services
Kitsap County provides funding for employment services to approximately 320 adults with developmental disabilities each month. Over 110 local businesses competitively employ Kitsap residents with developmental disabilities throughout the county.
Community Employers in Kitsap
Transition Services - Job Foundations and School to Work
Transition services prepare young adults exiting the public school system to secure meaningful work. Services assist students and their family in building a bridge from high school to adult employment programs. Support is provided to coordinate funding between the Developmental Disabilities Administration and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Job Foundation and School to Work Transition Guide
Watch the Job Foundation Video - multiple languages available
Individual Supported Employment (IE)
Services are a part of an individual's pathway to employment and are tailored to individual needs, interests, abilities, and promote career development. These are individualized services necessary to help persons with developmental disabilities obtain and continue integrated employment at or above the state's minimum wage in the general workforce. These services may include intake, discovery, assessment, job preparation job marketing, job supports, record keeping and support to maintain a job.
Community Inclusion
Services are individualized and provided in typical integrated community settings. Services will promote individualized skill development, independent living and community integration for persons' to learn how to actively and independently engage in their local community. Activities will provide opportunities to develop relationships and to learn, practice and apply skills that result in greater independence and community inclusion. These services may be authorized in addition to employment support for working age individuals who have received nine months of employment support.