Budget & Finance

The Budget Division is responsible for the compilation and management of the annual County budget. The staff provides financial analysis and forecasting to the Board of Commissioners, the County Administrator, and all departments and elected offices. The County's short- and long-term debt programs are also managed in this division, which affords operating and capital funding for the County at the lowest possible cost. Our goal is to optimize these programs to deliver cost effective and efficient services to our customers.


The Budget Status Update is refreshed on a monthly basis and reported to the Board of Commissioners during their normal work study session on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Follow the link for an interactive dashboard of financial data.

Kitsap County departments and offices are scheduled to present their 2025 budget requests during a public meeting on September 23rd, 25th & 26th. The following is a high-level overview of the budgeting process and a summary of changes that occurred last year. The 2024 budget was adopted during a public hearing on December 4th 2023, at 5:30 PM.

Beginning in September, supporting documents for departmental budget requests will be available below.

 Supporting Documents - Budget Requests (Coming Soon)